Regarding the Covid pandemic public assembly protocols, Volunteers’ Day will return to a format in sync with the CDC and New York State Guidance. All applicable Department of Health guidance will be required at this event with the need for all to abide by social distancing and wear masks when appropriate.

All this may change, if there is a change. If the New York State Health Department and the CDC guidance changes depending upon the manner in which Covid issues unfold, Volunteers’ Day will adapt to any new guidance.

With this in mind, WAiV is planning for this year’s Volunteers’ Day – A Day of Gratitude on August 17th.

All volunteers both current and retired, will be thanked, treated to lunch, a concert and fun activities provided for their children and fireworks in honor of the countless hours of service that the volunteers have generously provided for our community.

All are encouraged to come and show up for the volunteers; “they always show up for us.”

The general public is welcome to come and attend this event for free. Food will be available for purchase by the public and their children can play for a small fee.

Donations are encouraged.

The Program

Music, Entertainment from 12:30 PM until 6:00 PM
Food – Buffett from 12:30 PM – 3:30 PM
All volunteers enjoy the buffet for free; for the General Public there is a $10 fee
All children of volunteers enjoy the activities for free; General Public $5 fee
Guests of Honor Dedication at 3:30 PM
Music again from 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Alf Evers at 8:30 PM
Fireworks at 9:00 PM

Entertainment Schedule:

Children’s inflatable Obstacle Course, Jugglers,
Berenstain Bears, Bee Bee the Clown

12:30 pm The Wild Swan Band
1:30 pm The Hardwoods
2:30 pm Free Range Singers
3:00 pm Brian Mitchell Band
3:30 pm Guests of Honor Dedication
4:00 pm Brian Mitchell Band
5:00 pm Drip with Conor Wenk

Evening Music Program:
6:00 pm Art Alm
7:00 pm Sabrina and the Gems featuring Rennie Cantine
8:30 pm The Alf Evers Award presentation
9:00 pm  Fireworks. The Greatest Fireworks Show in the Hudson Valley: Presented by the Woodstock Fire Department


You can thank the volunteers on your own, privately, or you can celebrate and honor them at this event. It’s all good!!